
For the past two weeks, I have just been running. Work took over completely and the only day I actually got to stay home was today. A lot of things happened including the fact that my co-worker and I were abandoned by our team members. The whole ordeal has left me physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. When I first started writing this story that was before everything took a turn for the worse, I had planned on writing a horror story. But as the days got progressively worse, it became a fantasy. It was an escape I needed. Half Demon is inspired by the anime Inu Yasha. If you’ve watched the anime you’ll see similarities. But if you haven’t that’s okay too. I hope you enjoy reading the story and maybe one day I’ll write about how I got abandoned. The featured image is taken from Pinterest.


With large, brown eyes, Alice stared at the box displaying vivid characters. She sat cross-legged on the floor, watching a tale of adventure and friendship unfold. Glued to the TV, Alice didn’t notice the bright red van roll into the driveway. Her attention was on the white-haired half-demon fighting to keep evil at bay.

The slap across her cheek came out of nowhere. Like an electric shock, it jolted her back to reality. Her mother stood towering over her with flared nostrils and a face so red she looked like a tomato ready to burst. Alice backed away, cupping her sore cheek.

“How many times do I have to tell you, no TV during the weekdays?” Her mother screamed.

“But today’s a holiday,” Alice said, shrinking into herself.

“It doesn’t matter. Your free time should be spent revising chapters you’ve completed studying instead of staring at the TV. It’s garbage and only dulls the mind.”

Alice flinched as her mother raised her hand to fix her loose hair. She twirled her thick strands before fastening a claw clip to hold it in place.

“I’m sorry,” Alice mumbled, returning her hand to her side.

“Go to your room.”

Alice trudged back to her room, caressing the cheek that still stung. Tears of frustration and pain rolled down her face. Instead of pulling out her books, she threw herself on the bed and lay there spread-eagled, staring at the white ceiling. Was it necessary to always outperform others? Studying about the powerhouse of the cell and the topography of places she’d never visited didn’t intrigue her. They bore her. Alice hated the thought of studying on a holiday. She had planned on doing nothing but watch her comfort show. Hearing footsteps on the landing, she jumped out of bed, rubbed her eyes, pulled out the nearest textbook and sat at her table.

Alice turned to see a large brown eye watching her through the slit in the door like a camera tracking her every movement. It sent a shiver up her spine. Afraid to incur her mother’s wrath, her pretence became a focus session. Her attention on the book lying open in front of her intensified. 

When she turned to look at the door again, the all-seeing eye was gone. Immediate relief washed over her. Alice went back to reading her book, but the words swam around her head. Her gaze shifted to the plain wall, and a story conjured itself.

The white-haired half-demon popped into her head. Her mind began filling up the gaps in the episode she missed. Soon, Alice became a vital character in the fantasy. Alice felt alive as they faced off against the enemy. Having someone watching her back made her feel protected. The wolf-boy graced her with a boyish grin, making the butterflies in her belly flutter.

“Alice, I need to go out to the grocery store. Come and lock the house,” Her mother called from below, snapping her back to reality. 

Alice blinked twice and found herself sitting alone, staring at the wall where she had created a new world, wishing it had swallowed her whole. She hurried downstairs to see her mother grab her keys and purse.

“You know the drill; don’t open the door to strangers and no TV. I’ll be home soon.”

Alice watched the car back out of the driveway and disappear around the bend. Once it was out of sight, she returned home, locking the door behind her. 

She avoided looking at the TV. After all, being yelled at once was more than enough. As she walked past it the urge to pick up the remote sprung up. Five minutes of screen time wouldn’t hurt. Her mother had gone grocery shopping and would take her at least an hour. Alice had enough time to run up the stairs and pretend she had never left her table. 

Alice pressed the power button, and the TV came alive. To her surprise, the show she was in love with continued broadcasting. The white-haired half-demon with silver eyes appeared on the screen. His long locks flowed in the wind as he turned to face a hoard of demons. He unsheathed his slender sword from its sheath, unleashing so much power the ground shook.

Alice watched in awe as her hero fought without marring his beautiful features. As the fight ended, Alice found herself staring into silver eyes. She blinked twice, and the camera angle shifted. For a minute, it felt so real, as if he was close enough to touch.

As she watched him, his body moved, and his eyes looked down on her. She wasn’t dreaming after all. An arm with talons extended through the screen, transcending the boundary between two worlds. Through his translucent skin, Alice saw his blue veins crisscross like the tributaries of a river. It was an unflattering sight. Alice looked back at the wolf-boy, who gazed at her with warmth. He smiled at her, making her heart beat faster. Alice glanced at the empty driveway, hesitating to take his hand.

“I promise you an adventure of a lifetime,” He said, standing in front of her in his armour. 

Ridden speechless, Alice stared at the tall figure. Up close, his beauty was ethereal, and his silver eyes compassionate. Alice slipped her hands into his, choosing to trust the one person she considered a friend.   

15 thoughts on “Half-Demon.

  1. Pooja G says:

    Definitely got an anime vibe to it. Really enjoyed the story. Sorry it’s been so exhausting for you. Being abandoned by your team members sounds awful and very unprofessional on their part. Hope things get better 💕

    Liked by 1 person

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